Since TLC's beginning in 2006, we have focused on child sponsorship as the foundational source offunding to the ministry and care of TrueLight participants. Now 15 years later, as the vision and needs ofTLC continue to grow, we are adding some additional ways to support our work.

Our desire is to continue to use child sponsorship monies to be used to fund those activities and servicesthat directly benefit each child, such as education, food, and medical care.

The addition of the following levels of giving will insure that we can cover the overhead expenses of ourministry compound as well as care for our staff of seven with a fair and appropriate wage.

  • Foundational Partners - groups/churches/individuals who can commit to giving at least $2000 perannum that will provide foundational financial stability to our TLC General Fund.

  • Staff Supporters- individuals who have committed to giving any amount per month to specifically supplement TLC staff salaries. This allows us to continue to give the vast majority of child sponsor support to TLC children and yet also pay our TLC staff salaries to account from annual increases of Ethiopian inflation.

Each gift given to TLC is vital to the work and ministry of the project. We seek to be fully transparent and steward well the funds that have been entrusted to us. If you are interested in finding out more about our new support levels or have any questions about your current giving, please contact our Stateside Director, Ginger Stanfill ( - 731.614.6467).